Mitcham Football Club

Mitcham Football Club’s first game was against Unley Gents at Unley Oval on 12 July 1907. As a member of the Royal Association, Mitcham wore the double blue colours and were based at The Long Paddocks in Mitcham. In 1912 the club moved to Hawthorn Oval and were undefeated premiers in their inaugural year. Mitcham have played 77 seasons at Hawthorn Oval Football, winning 12 premierships. Over the past decade, the club has established a strong junior presence.

Mitcham Football Club, without merger or loss of original identity, remains one of the most durable and historic clubs in the Adelaide metro area.

The club continually aims for on-field success through

  • Effective development and transition pathway from Juniors to Seniors is our long term strategic goal;
  • Ensuring our club provides good services and is sustainably run for future players & teams;
  • Respectful, loyal, team minded players and supportive culture;
  • Bringing players and people to our club at all levels for the long term;
  • An environment which attracts women, girls and families to be part of our club;
  • Plentiful volunteers that support our club vision for seniors and juniors;

In 2023 Mitcham Football Club will compete in the Adelaide Football League and the SANFL Juniors. The club consists of 4 senior teams, including a women’s team, and 12 junior teams, 9 boys and 3 girls. This equates to the club having more than 100 senior players and 350 junior players.