Guernsey History

1907-1914 dark blue jumper with a wide light blue band across the midriff (same jumper as Sturt)
1915-1917 double blue vertical stripe
1918 Patriotic Association - World War One - black jumper with a green sash (the Club wore this guernsey for one year only, perhaps as a symbolic gesture at the end of the war, or maybe because in that year Mitcham played against Sturt and had to change guernseys because of the confl icting colours). The Patriotic Association lasted for three seasons from1916-18, but Mitcham was only in the final year)
1919-1925 double blue vertical stripes
1926-1945 unknown
1946 -1947 blue with yellow V
1948-1967 blue with yellow sash
1968 -1983 blue and gold hoops
1984 - present blue with yellow sash